I was given an old symfony website now I am supposed to host it on wedos.

Solved527 viewsWebhostingdeployment PHP symfony webhosting

I need to deploy a symfony 3 website on Wedos, is there a way to change the code and see the changes live in any way like how you push changes to a github repo and are able to see the changes after a little while on vercel. and can someone please guide me through the exact steps to deploy the website here.

Role: Customer
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MB313456 Selected answer as best 1. 10. 2024
388 - WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments


we don’t have our own guide for deploying the Symfony framework on Webhosting, but there is this external article from 2017 which should still work (it’s in Czech, I don’t know about any English ones).

I don’t know about making and seeing changes live. I can’t think of anything that would hinder it – there is a proxy cache which sometimes causes issues if the changes/updates are too frequent. You can disable it in .htaccess according to this guide.

Role: Support
MB313456 Selected answer as best 1. 10. 2024

Like where would my code base be located if i were to change it to see live changes

Role: Customer
MB313456 Changed status to publish 1. 10. 2024
